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Postdoctoral contract on exoplanet atmospheres at the Center for Astrobiology (CAB) in Madrid

Fecha inicio solicitud: 
Dom, 03/03/2024
Fecha límite solicitud: 
Lun, 25/03/2024


We offer a 2-year postdoctoral contract to work in the Remote Worlds Lab group (PI: Jorge Lillo-Box) at the Center for Astrobiology in the campus of Villafranca del Castillo, located inside ESA premises in Madrid (ESAC). This contract is part of the actions related to the TEMPO project (Temporal Evolution and Metamorphosis of exoPlanets and their atmOspheres), recently granted by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. See all the details of this position in this link. 

The overall goal of TEMPO is the study of how exoplanets and their gaseous envelopes evolve over time, focused on two aspects, 1) their evolution as the star ages and 2) the imprints on the atmospheric properties caused by the architectural evolution of planetary systems (e.g., migration). The successful postdoc will be involved in the actions planned for this project (50% of their time) and develop their own projects (50%). Hence, we encourage creative and independent researchers to apply. 

The candidate must have a PhD in Physics/Astrophysics or, alternatively, be in the position of obtaining it within the coming months. Experience in exoplanet detection and characterization is required to pursue the tasks of the project. Also, experience with transmission spectroscopy data for exoplanet atmospheric characterization will be highly valued. 

All the details of this position and how to apply can be found in this page of the Remote Worlds Lab website. The deadline for application is March 25th (at 23:59 CET). Any questions and inquiries about this position should be addressed to Jorge Lillo-Box (jlillo at