One Postdoctoral Contract Mini-Halpha WKs 2024 (PS-2024-005) |
Postdoctoral |
31/03/2024 |
26/02/2024 |
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias |
Spain |
The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work on the project linked to the line of research “Black holes, neutron stars, white dwarfs and their environments: Mini-H alpha WKs ”. The contract is funded by the project ” Mini-H a WKs : a pilot survey to unveil dormant black holes”,... |
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One Postdoctoral Contract BCYCLES 2024 (PS-2024-004) |
Postdoctoral |
31/03/2024 |
26/02/2024 |
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias |
Spain |
The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work on the project linked to the line of research “TRACES of galaxy formation: stellar population of faint sources”. The contract is funded by the project “Baryonic Cycle and its Stellar populations (B-CycleS)” (PID2022-140869NB-I00), led... |
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Postdoctoral Position at the University of Seville (Spain) |
Postdoctoral |
31/03/2024 |
29/02/2024 |
Universidad de Sevilla |
España |
Applications are invited for one Postdoctoral Position in Computational Astrophysics of Galaxy Formation at the University of Seville (Spain) to work with Dr. Jose Oñorbe Bernis. The selected person will work with Dr. Oñorbe's group on various projects in numerical cosmology and galaxy formation... |
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Postdoctoral Research Position in Particle Physics and Instrumentation (CCDs to detect dark matter) |
Postdoctoral |
29/03/2024 |
20/02/2024 |
Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-UC) |
España |
The Particle Physics and Instrumentation Group at the Instituto de Física de Cantabria is seeking applications for a postdoctoral position. Our group specializes in the development of highly sensitive instruments with exceptional background rejection capabilities for dark matter experiments. We are... |
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Head of Operations, Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes |
Otros/Others |
29/03/2024 |
07/02/2024 |
Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes |
España |
ISAAC NEWTON GROUP OF TELESCOPES LA PALMA, CANARY ISLANDS Head of Operations Closing date for applications: 16:00 (GMT) on the29 th March 2024 The Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes ( ING ) invites applications for the post of Head of Operations, a top-level management post responsible for ensuring... |
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Postdoctoral contract on exoplanet atmospheres at the Center for Astrobiology (CAB) in Madrid |
Postdoctoral |
25/03/2024 |
03/03/2024 |
España |
We offer a 2-year postdoctoral contract to work in the Remote Worlds Lab group (PI: Jorge Lillo-Box) at the Center for Astrobiology in the campus of Villafranca del Castillo, located inside ESA premises in Madrid (ESAC). This contract is part of the actions related to the TEMPO project (Temporal... |
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Postdoctoral |
15/03/2024 |
21/02/2024 |
Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (CEFCA) |
España |
CEFCA invites applications for a postdoctoral position as part of the "Consolidación Investigadora 2023" project, ID CNS2023-145339: "Baryonic feedback in massive and dwarf galaxies (BARMASS)" . The position is available immediately for a contract duration of up to 2 years, concluding no later than... |
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Postdoctoral position in infrared time-domain astronomy |
Postdoctoral |
15/03/2024 |
19/02/2024 |
Institute of Cosmos Sciences (ICCUB) |
España |
We are offering a 3-year (1 year renewable) post-doctoral position in time-domain astronomy at the Institute of Cosmos Sciences at the University of Barcelona (ICCUB), Spain. The postdoctoral researcher will join the research group led by Prof. Nadejda Blagorodnova, funded by the European Research... |
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One Postdoctoral Contract RadioForegroundsPlus 2024 (PS-2024-003) |
Postdoctoral |
15/03/2024 |
16/02/2024 |
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias |
España |
The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work on the project linked to the line of research “Anisotropías del Fondo Cósmico de Microondas: RadioForegroundsPlus ”. The contract is funded by the HORIZON-CL4-2023-SPACE-01 project “RADIOFOREGROUNDSPLUS” (GA 101135036, P/302308), led by... |
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Post-doctoral Position in Strong Gravitational Lensing and Dark Matter |
Postdoctoral |
10/03/2024 |
12/02/2024 |
Institute of Cosmos Sciences (ICCUB) |
España |
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position on strong and milli gravitational lensing to constrain Dark Matter substructures. The position is joint between the University of Barcelona and MPA Garching, first with 2 years in Barcelona with F. Courbin followed by up to 2 years at MPA with S... |
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Simulations and Software Development for New Generation Cherenkov Telescopes |
Postdoctoral |
07/03/2024 |
23/02/2024 |
INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma |
Italy |
The succesful candidate will join the VHE research group at Rome Astronomical Observatory (Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma - OAR) that is presently involved in MAGIC and ASTRI collaborations, as well as in CTA and LST-1 consortia. VHE group at OAR is also the leading group of the PNRR-CTA+ project... |
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Two postdoctoral contracts on the cosmological analysis of the galaxy distribution in large astronomical surveys |
Postdoctoral |
07/03/2024 |
01/03/2024 |
Universidad de Córdoba |
España |
Universidad de Cordoba (Spain) is offering two 1-year contracts for postdoctoral applicants with experience on the cosmological analysis of galaxy surveys. This call is funded by Planes complementarios de I+D+I (Astrofísica y Física de Altas Energías) Marco de Recuperación y Resiliencia of Junta de... |
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3 year PhD position - Exciting and Excited Debris Discs |
Predoctoral |
01/03/2024 |
30/01/2024 |
Institut für Astrophysik (U. Viena) |
Austria |
Looking for a PhD student to come to the Department of Astrophysics at the University of Vienna, Austria. The position is part of the project on "Exciting and Excited Debris Discs" and funded for 3 years. The topic will be multi-wavelength modelling including scattered light and thermal emission... |
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Postdoctoral position in Galactic astrophysics (GEPI - Observatory of Paris) |
Postdoctoral |
29/02/2024 |
15/12/2023 |
GEPI Observatoire de Paris |
France |
The laboratory GEPI at the Observatory of Paris invites applications for a 2-year postdoctoral position in Galactic astrophysics, funded through the Centre National d'Études Spatiales. The postdoctoral researcher is expected to work on the investigation of the physical properties of disrupting... |
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Director de la Fundación EST |
Otros/Others |
29/02/2024 |
22/12/2023 |
Fundación Canaria EST |
España |
El Patronato del Telescopio Solar Europeo - Fundación Canaria (EST-FC) ha decidido abrir la convocatoria para el puesto de Director de la Fundación. EST-FC es una entidad privada sin ánimo de lucro constituida en Canarias por la Ley 2/1998, de 6 de abril, de Fundaciones Canarias y, supletoriamente... |
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